Banana Industrial Research & Development Centre (BIRDC)

BIRDC, evolving from PIBID, is dedicated to transforming Uganda’s banana industry through innovative research and technology, turning abundant resources into high-value products for sustainable growth.
Our Story

Banana Industrial Research & Development Centre

From Vision to Reality: Pioneering Banana Value Addition Uganda, blessed with fertile lands and abundant agricultural resources, has long recognized the potential of its banana sector. The Presidential Initiative on Banana Industrial Development (PIBID), conceived to harness this potential, has evolved into the Banana Industrial Research & Development Center (BIRDC). This evolution represents a strategic commitment to transforming the banana value chain through science, technology, and innovation.


The final products are chemical free

Fresh & Healthy

Fresh products and healthy for consumption

100% Organic

Our products are 100% organic from Bananas

The process

The process involves peeling, slicing, and processing bananas into various products like flour, chips, cakes, and biscuits, using advanced technology to ensure high quality and efficiency.

Our Processing Plant

Our processing plant at the Banana Industrial Research & Development Center is dedicated to converting bananas into a diverse range of high-quality, value-added products, such as flour, chips, juice, and sauces, utilizing state-of-the-art technology to maintain efficiency and product excellence. In addition to advancing the banana industry, we are deeply committed to sustainability through eco-friendly practices and energy-efficient processes. Our efforts also extend to supporting local farmers by providing a reliable market for their produce, creating employment opportunities, and contributing to the regional and national economy. Through continuous innovation, research, and community engagement, we aim to enhance the banana value chain and uplift the entire sector.

Our Products

We produce variety of products from Matooke (Bananas)
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White Sweet Bread

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Tooke Biscuits

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Raw Tooke Flour

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Tooke Doughnuts

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Flories Biscuits

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Banana Crisps

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Tooke Mandazi

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Instant Tooke Flour

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Tooke Queen Cake

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Tooke scone